Our monthly newsletter includes a “Palmer Puzzler” exclusive to those who subscribe. The first person to send us the correct answer wins a small prize.

The May 2018 Trivia Question

To celebrate the opening of the 1893 World’s Fair and the Woman’s Building, what did Bertha Palmer drive?
A. an electric “automobile” on display in the Transportation Building
B. a hard bargain with Director-General Davis to have President Grover Cleveland visit her building
C. a golden nail into a proscenium arch
D. architect Sophia Hayden to tears during her dedication speech

The winner of the May 2018 Trivia Question is D.D. from central Illinois, who knew the answer is C.

Mrs. Palmer, President of the Board of Lady Managers of the World’s Columbian Exposition, drove the “last nail” to symbolize the completion of the Woman’s Building. The ceremonial nail was made of gold, silver, and copper and donated by the women of Montana.

“Driven by a Woman” read the front-page headline of the San Francisco Call on April 30, 1893.