Opening Day, Part 8: The Address by Director-General Davis

The Address by Director-General Davis This is Part 8 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. The dignitaries on the platform for the Opening Ceremonies. [Image from the Ryerson and Burnham Archives.] As conductor Thomas laid down his ebony baton following the performance the "Rienzi" overture by the Exposition Orchestra, Director-General George R. Davis [...]

Opening Day, Part 7: Wagner’s “Rienzi” Overture

Wagner’s “Rienzi” Overture  This is Part 7 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. "In Front of the Administration Building" from the Chicago Herald, May 1, 1893. Few among the quarter of a million spectators gathered around the east side of the Administration Building could hear anything coming from the grandstand, or even [...]

By |2022-03-05T10:17:30-06:00April 28th, 2018|Categories: AUDIO, OPENING DAY|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Opening Day, Part 6: Reading of “The Prophecy”

Reading of “The Prophecy” This is Part 6 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. At the conclusion of Reverend Milburn’s invocation, General-Director George R. Davis again commanded the attention of the crowd and announced the third number on the program. "I introduce to you Miss Jessie Couthoui, who will read the poem." With faultless [...]

Opening Day, Part 5: Invocation by the Blind Chaplain

Invocation by the Blind Chaplain This is Part 5 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. At the conclusion of the performance of the “Columbian March” by the Exposition Orchestra, Director-General George R. Davis approached the front of the platform. He lifted his hand and commanded silence from the vast audience, to which there was [...]

By |2018-04-26T06:09:32-05:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: OPENING DAY|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Opening Day, Part 4: Paine’s “Columbian March”

Paine’s “Columbian March” This is Part 4 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. The Exposition Orchestra Under the main arch of the Administration Building, and in front of a great sounding board, sat the 150 musicians* of the Exposition Orchestra, under the baton of conductor Theodore Thomas. The grandstand beneath them filled with more [...]

Opening Day, Part 3: A Sea of Humanity

A Sea of Humanity This is Part 3 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. As the procession of the President of the United States began its march south on Michigan Avenue, thousands of people in downtown Chicago began forming their own spontaneous parade to the World’s Fair. Everyone on West Madison Street and North [...]

Opening Day, Part 2: Presidential Procession to the Fairgrounds

Presidential Procession to the Fairgrounds This is Part 2 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. Finely decorated with flags and bunting The Auditorium Building, where the Duke of Vergua stayed. [Image from the Rijksmueum, Amsterdam.] On the morning of Opening Day of the 1893 World’s Fair, the center of attraction in downtown Chicago [...]

Opening Day, Part 1: Morning on the Fairgrounds

Morning on the Fairgrounds This is Part 1 of our series “Opening Day of the World’s Fair,” which explores the events of May 1, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The full series can be found here. The day of days dawned with gray skies. Jupiter Pluvius, giver of rain, held an uplifted threatening fist over Chicago this morning. Throughout the city, bunting hung to celebrate the opening of the World’s Fair sagged, damp and listless. A [...]

Opening Day, Introduction: Chicago’s Day of Days

Chicago’s Day of Days May 1, 1893 "Opening of the World's Fair" [Image from the Library of Congress.] The day of days had arrived in Chicago. After winning the bid to host the World’s Columbian Exposition, months of searching to select Jackson Park as the site of the fairgrounds, the death of the lead architect, two years of constructing a White City on the shores of Lake Michigan, damaging winter storms, delays and setbacks, and a Dedication Day [...]

By |2018-04-21T06:50:59-05:00April 21st, 2018|Categories: OPENING DAY|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

A Visitor from Maine

First-hand accounts of visitors to the Columbian Exposition can provide a fascinating and unique perspective on the great World’s Fair of 1893. Freelance writer Dave Sargent writes in the April 13, 2018, issue of the Lewiston (Maine) Sun Journal about his grandmother’s visit to Chicago in July of 1893. She recorded her accounts in a personal journal and had her story published in a newspaper many years later. The Maine State Building, as depicted on the cover of the [...]

By |2023-08-05T08:33:37-05:00April 15th, 2018|Categories: HISTORY|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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