Saturday, August 19, 1893, was “British Empire Day” at the World’s Fair, and Chicago Mayor Carter Harrison offered some provocative words for the celebration. According to a visitor from Kansas, the mayor declared:
“The World’s Exposition now in session is the greatest Fair the world has ever known. The United Sates is the greatest government of the Earth, and we propose to extend our boundaries by annexing Canada to Uncle Sam and Great Britain to Chicago.”
The Chicago Tribune reported the speech this way:
“I feel much embarrassed, because on a recent occasion I made a speech to the assembled Canadians which I understand did not meet with the hearty approval of all present. Just to show the Canucks how much I thought of them I proposed that Canada be annexed to the United states. I wish to make amends today by proposing that not only Canada be annexed to the United states, but the whole British Empire to Chicago.”
His words “called forth mingled cheers and hisses,” according to the Chicago Inter Ocean. Fortunately, no one took Carter seriously.

The Canada Building at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. [Image from Bancroft, Hubert Howe The Book of the Fair. The Bancroft Company, 1893.]
“Britons at the Fair” Chicago Inter Ocean Aug. 20, 1893, p. 1.
“To Britain’s Glory” Chicago Tribune Aug. 20, 1893, pp. 1–2.
Webster, John L. “World’s Fair Letter” Johnson City (KS) Journal p. 4.
Is there an echo in here?