“An Autumn Scene on Wooded Island” [Image from the Chicago Inter Ocean Sep. 30, 1893; digitally colored.]
“Once a barren strip of sand protesting against the surrounding marshes,” the
Wooded Island emerged “like a magnificent Turkish rug, rich with varied dyes, flung down upon a crystal floor,” wrote
Shepp’s World’s Fair Photographed. “A profusion of flowers of every shade and hue gems the sod; groves of trees and masses of shrubbery lend further charm by the dark green of their foliage. Winding walks curve among the parterres of glowing flowers, and here and there rustic summer-houses, over which delicate vines train their dainty tendrils, invite to rest and quietude. At the southern end, the
Davy Crockett cabin may be seen. The whole is surrounded by the
lagoon. Probably the most interesting point on the island is the
rose garden, where the queen of flowers may be seen in all the regality of her splendid charm.”
Shepp, James W.; Shepp, Daniel B. Shepp’s World’s Fair Photographed. Globe Bible Publishing, 1893.
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