A letter inviting the International Folk-Lorre Congress of the 1893 World’s Fair to attend Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show has sold at auction for $937.50. Heritage Auctions’ February 20, 2020, “Americana & Political Signature Auction” included the hand-written letter from Nate Salsbury, manager of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Company.

An 1893 letter from Nate Salsbury, manager of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, inviting the International Folk-Lorre Congress at the World’s Columbian Exposition to see a performance. [Image from Heritage Auctions.]
As vice president and general manager of William Cody’s entertainment company, Salsbury leased fourteen acres of land just outside of the southwest gate of the Columbian Exposition fairgrounds for the construction of the enormous U-shaped arena for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.

An advertisement for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show from the May 21, 1893, issue of the Chicago Inter Ocean.
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