Our quarterly newsletter includes a “Palmer Puzzler” exclusive to those who subscribe. (You can sign up here.) The first person to send us the correct answer wins a small prize.
The Winter 2018 Trivia Question
Which state building on the fairgrounds was surmounted by a 9-foot elk with antlers measuring ten feet from tip to tip?
A. Idaho
B. Montana
C. Wyoming
D. Nevada
The winner of the Winter 2018 Trivia Question is R.S. from Wheaton, IL, who knew the answer is B.
White & Igleheart’s World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 (P. W. Ziegler, 1893) describes the unique Montana Building ornament this way: “Above the arch is a pedestal supporting a miniature mountain peak upon which stands an elk, nine feet high, the antlers measuring ten feet from tip to tip.”

A photograph by C. D. Arnold of the Montana State Building, showing the majestic elk statue above the main entrance.
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