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A VIEW TOWARD THE NORTHWEST.—From the roof of the Government Building some of the finest views of certain portions of the World’s Fair grounds were had, and, among these, the one here presented is not the least attractive. It is from the north end of the roof and taken toward the northwest, it must have been in the early morning, for scarcely a figure is visible on the walks or bridges and the water lies quiescent as a plate of glass. The west portion of the Fisheries and the north end of the Wooded Island are brought out boldly in the immediate foreground, the Japanese Hooden Palace with its three buildings huddled cosily amid the island’s greenery, looking the comfortable place it was. Further on, to the left, appear the north end of the Horticulture Building, then the ” Puck ” and Children’s buildings, and then the Woman’s Building, while behind the latter, stretching away far to the west, is the Midway Plaisance, with its odd structures and the Ferris Wheel looming up in the distance as a guide to the merry locality. Further to the right, an end of the California Building and the whole southern facade of the Illinois Building appear and then, nestled down by the water side, shows, clearly defined in its whiteness, that beautiful reproduction of Grecian architecture, the Merchant Tailors’ Building. From even this distance the grace and beauty of that exquisite structure suffice to make themselves apparent. Away off to the west and northwest stretch Chicago’s suburbs, the smoke slowly drifting over from the areas of denser population.

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