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THE MACMONNIES FOUNTAIN FRONT.—This view, taken from a position in the Grand Basin, affords a just idea of the appearance of the Columbian Fountain from the east, and of the steps and terrace down which the water tumbled in a cascade when the fountain was in action. The Sea Horses of Commerce, which were represented as assisting the rowers in the propulsion of the barge, uprear themselves in front and on either side, and Fame, sounding her trumpet, is conspicuous on the vessel’s bow. At the left, and beyond, there appear to advantage some of the groups of statuary which added to the charm of the Administration Building; a corner of the Mining Building is visible in the middle distance, and to the right the Electricity, with its graceful arch and rich pediment, is a pleasant thing for the eye to rest upon. And in the immediate foreground is a gondola with its gondoliers. It was a clever suggestion which resulted in bringing from Venice real gondolas and real gondoliers in all their finery, but, oddly enough, it had the effect, probably, of soon making the gondola a thing of the past even in the old European city. The boat was picturesque, but it was slow and clumsy, and the electric launch glided past or around it at will, swifter, noiseless, more graceful, and above all, more comfortable. And visiting Venetians saw and thought, and a company was formed and the ancient lagoons and canals, so it is said, may no longer know the style of boats which has existed for so many centuries. Be this as it may, the gondolas and their oarsmen were an artistic novelty and an attraction at the Fair.

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