A Comedy of Errors at the Gates to the 1893 World’s Fair

Do you remember that time when the Vice President of the United States was refused admission to the World’s Columbian Exposition? Because Adlai Stevenson had forgotten to bring his pass that day,  he was held up by a gateman just trying to follow the rules. The Boston Globe reported on a similar “comedy of errors” enacted at the 63rd Street entrance gate just three days later, on the morning of May 26, 1893: As usual, the principals were Columbian [...]

“The Current War” offers only a dimly lit view of the 1893 World’s Fair

The 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago shines on the big screen, if only for a few minutes. The Current War (2017, released 2019) tells the story of the rancorous rivalry between inventor Thomas Edison (Benedict Cumberbatch), who adamantly championed direct current (DC) technologies to electrify and illuminate American cities, and George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon), who banked on alternating current (AC). The legendary “war of the currents” has these titans of the electrical industry setting their sights on powering the Columbian [...]

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