“Halcyon Days in the Dream City’’ Part 2: The Plaisance

Halcyon Days in the Dream City by Mrs. D. C. Taylor Continued from Part 1 A May morning, cool but not cold, with a brisk wind, blowing, cloud shadows and sun bursts chasing one another across the deep blue sky. To-day we make our way straight from the 60th street entrance to the Midway Plaisance. When we have passed through that tunnel like passage under the intramural railway, we have left America behind us. We are in foreign countries [...]

By |2022-12-10T10:09:54-06:00November 2nd, 2020|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: |1 Comment

107. Picturesque World’s Fair – Five Samoan Warriors in Character Song

FIVE SAMOAN WARRIORS IN A CHARACTER SONG.—There was a theatre in the village where the Samoans were, and they gave daily performances of no mean quality. Among these were the Tapate, a dance peculiar to the Wallis islanders in which both men and women appeared, the men carrying paddles which they struck together as the dance proceeded to the time beaten on a stick by one of the number sitting on the ground and controlling the movements of the [...]

By |2020-10-24T11:00:46-05:00September 20th, 2020|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , , |0 Comments

106. Picturesque World’s Fair – Dahomey Men

DAHOMEY MEN.—The Dahomey Village consisted of three houses and a group of huts, much of the material being brought from Dahomey for the purpose, and was occupied by sixty men and forty women. Other Pages from PICTURESQUE WORLD’S FAIR.

By |2021-04-02T11:22:33-05:00September 5th, 2020|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , , |0 Comments

104. Picturesque World’s Fair – A South Sea Island House

A SOUTH SEA ISLAND HOUSE.—The South Sea Island Village included among its inhabitants natives of various islands in the Polynesian Archipelago, though so superior to all the rest were the Samoans that they soon attracted most attention, and the place was as often alluded to as the Samoan Village as otherwise. The houses were of Samoan construction, and the largest of them was a building of repute, having once stood for ten years in the village of King Mataafa, [...]

103. Picturesque World’s Fair – Soloman Joseph and Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Aye

SOLOMON JOSEPH AND TA-RA-RA BOOM-DE-AYE.—As a group of uncompromisingly rapacious and mannerless patronage-seekers the donkey boys of a Street in Cairo were probably never surpassed, and of these Solomon Joseph was admittedly the chief brigand. He was noisy, persistent and altogether intolerable in soliciting people to ride upon his dwarfish beasts, and was always grinning and good-natured. Of the two, the donkey shown in the picture had probably the greater number of lovable qualities, though even " Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-aye," [...]

By |2020-08-02T03:03:17-05:00August 2nd, 2020|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , , |0 Comments

1893 Chicago Midway Playing Cards & History of the World’s Fair Card Deck

1893 Chicago Midway Playing Cards & History of the World’s Fair Card Deck by Stuart Van Leer Bradley. Railway Station Press, 2020. ISBN: 9781951299057. Softcover, 40 pages. $15.00. This companion book to the recently produced set of Midway Playing Cards contains a summary of the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago and the Midway Plaisance, technical notes about the set of Barnhart Brothers & Spindler (BB&S) type foundry printers ornaments, scans of a set of letterpress history cards, and an [...]

By |2020-07-18T10:22:26-05:00July 18th, 2020|Categories: PRODUCTS, RESEARCH|Tags: |0 Comments

Chicago00 Launches 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition VR Web Portal

Grab your Columbian Exposition return pass and head back to the 1893 World’s Fair virtually with the Chicago 00 Project, which has launched their 1893 World's Columbian Exposition VR web portal at https://1893.chicago00.org/. A partnership between the Chicago History Museum and filmmaker Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, the Chicago 00 Project has been producing a series of interactive multimedia experiences using historical images of important sites and events in Chicago. Their augmented reality app allows participant to overlay historic photos with [...]

97. Picturesque World’s Fair – Fettome, A Bedouin Woman

FETTOME, A BEDOUIN WOMAN.—Much as has been written about the Arabs and their wild life upon the North African plains, descriptions have been, as a rule, confined mostly to the men and how the woman of the desert lives, moves and has her being has been left largely to the imagination. So it came that the Bedouin women, at the Columbian Exposition, were looked upon with a good deal of curiosity and were found to be by no means [...]

Vienna Beef History Museum Closes

UPDATE (1/26/2020): The Vienna Beef History Museum will be closing on February 1, 2020, with no plans for reopening, according to reporting by Block Club Chicago. _______________________________________________________________________________________ We have not yet reached the dog days of summer, but Chicago is already celebrating its most famous dog, with the opening of the Vienna Beef History Museum. The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition launched the careers of many now-famous food items, including shredded wheat, Aunt Jemima pancake mix, chili, brownies, and one [...]

By |2023-04-09T08:56:39-05:00January 26th, 2020|Categories: EXHIBITS (past), NEWS|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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