Childe Hassam painting of the 1893 World’s Fair sells for $44,000

American impressionist painter Childe Hassam (1859–1935) created several paintings of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition fairgrounds. He visited Chicago for the first time in 1892 to prepare his works that depicted what the World’s Fair would look like when open the following year. He also exhibited five oil paintings and five watercolors in the Palace of Fine Arts. An original 1893 World’s Fair painting by Hassam sold for $44,000 in the Heritage Auctions American Art Signature Auction #8099 on [...]

By |2025-01-30T08:37:05-06:00November 13th, 2022|Categories: ANTIQUES, NEWS|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Certain Mastering Impressions

With great sadness the world witnessed the destruction by fire of significant parts of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris yesterday. Recollections of our visit several years ago--standing beneath the marvelous rose windows and walking among the rooftop gargoyles and chimeras--reminds us why we treasure the architectural and artistic achievements of the past. Those moments stamp the memory forever. This quote comes from “The Art of the White City” by Will H. Low in Some Artists at the Fair [...]

By |2019-04-15T21:30:09-05:00April 16th, 2019|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: |1 Comment
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