Ron Soule’s “Escape from the Emerald City” imagines an origin story for Oz at the 1893 World’s Fair

Escape from the Emerald City by Ron Soule. Independently published, 2023. 105 pages. Hardcover, $14.95. ISBN 9798395968029. Paperback, $7.95. ISBN 9798395968111. In the growing library of “fairground fiction,” stories that involve historical figures offer a special treat to readers who enjoy imagining how famous (and soon-to-be-famous) people experienced the 1893 World’s Fair. A then-unknown traveling salesman from Chicago visited the fairgrounds on several occasions with his wife and four sons. Only a few years later he would burst onto [...]

May 26, 2023: “Chicago’s Legacy Hula” opens

A limited-time exhibition “Chicago's Legacy Hula” opened on May 26, 2023, at the Field Museum. Set inside the entrance to the Regenstein Hall of the Pacific, the exhibit includes the story of a Hawaiian musical group that made their way to the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Queen Lili‘uokalani sent Hui Lei Mamo, a royal chorus and Hula troupe, from the island kingdom to perform at the Columbian Exposition. Soon after, pro-American forces in Hawaiʻi overthrew the Queen. The [...]

By |2024-11-21T09:26:46-06:00May 29th, 2023|Categories: EXHIBITS (current)|Tags: , |0 Comments
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