172. Picturesque World’s Fair – Camels and Drivers in Cairo Street

CAMELS AND DRIVERS IN CAIRO STREET.--There was no end to the variations of scenes presented by the camels and drivers in Cairo Street so often described, but in the actual life of the village never really monotonous. A very patient lot were the camels, else, under the abuse they received, both manual and verbal, they would have often turned upon their masters and beaten them down with their ungainly hoofs. It seemed to be, in his opinion, the duty [...]

By |2025-02-09T16:21:35-06:00February 9th, 2025|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , |0 Comments

171. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Turkish Village

THE TURKISH VILLAGE.—Before the Columbian Exposition closed, the Turkish Village had become one of the prominent features of the Midway Plaisance, and drew a host of visitors. Its chief attractions were the theater and the bazaar, though the mosque, camps and cottages, the Persian tent, Cleopatra's needle and the serpentine column were among the curious things to see. Upon the stage of the theater the scenes presented were purely oriental, giving, it was claimed, a just idea of the [...]

170. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Promenade and Beach

THE PROMENADE AND BEACH.—Without the famous Promenade along the shore of Lake Michigan, the Columbian Exposition would have lacked one of its attractive features. The great body of blue water, over which came cooling breezes in the hottest days of midsummer, rested the eye after the visitor had become sated, if that were possible, with the glories of the Fair, and the Promenade and Beach afforded a pleasant walking or lounging place, as the case might be. The shadows [...]

169. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Beauty Show

THE BEAUTY SHOW—What bore upon its front the legend, "International Dress and Costume Exhibit, or World's Congress of Beauties," was a large rectangular structure seen upon the right soon after entering the Midway Plaisance from the Exposition grounds. Further information regarding the attractions within was conveyed in an additional notice to the effect that "Forty Ladies from Forty Nations" were there on exhibition. The interior consisted chiefly of a great hall, surrounded on three sides by a raised and [...]

By |2025-01-12T09:54:07-06:00November 9th, 2024|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , |0 Comments

168. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Marine Cafe

THE MARINE CAFE.—The Café, built in an attractive semi-Gothic style, located just at the beginning of the east side of the strait, connecting the lagoons with the north pond was most attractive in appearance, while occupying a convenient situation for those who would eat. Naturally, the Marine Café became one of the popular institutions of the Fair. The building was a large one, and afforded rooms for the Bureau of Public Comfort in the lower story, where were telegraph [...]

By |2024-09-28T03:40:30-05:00September 28th, 2024|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , |0 Comments

167. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Kentucky Building

THE KENTUCKY BUILDING.—The Kentucky Building was adjacent to that of Missouri, near the northwest corner of the grounds, and was a pleasing structure in the Colonial style. It was seventy-five by ninety feet in dimensions, with fine porches supported by Corinthian pillars. The offices and parlors were large and roomy and the general air one of comfort and hospitality. Inside the building stood a fine statue of Daniel Boone. In the main room of the interior was a large [...]

166. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Rhode Island Building

THE RHODE ISLAND BUILDING.—The smallest state in the Union made by no means the smallest showing at the Columbian Exposition. She contributed $50,000 toward a state exhibit, and her pretty building, which cost $10,000, was presented to Chicago at the close of the Fair. It was a graceful structure, in the style of a Greek mansion, its columns and pilasters enriched by decorated moldings and a balustrade surrounding the roof. The interior contained rooms for the commissioners, for guests, [...]

By |2024-07-23T20:53:41-05:00July 21st, 2024|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , |0 Comments

165. Picturesque World’s Fair – The Texas Building

THE TEXAS BUILDING.—The Texas Building, a fine structure, was a credit to the patriotism and energy of the ladies of that state and equally a rebuke to the legislature of the great commonwealth which failed to make the needed appropriation in time. It was to the women alone that praise for Texas' representation at the Fair was due. The building occupied a fine site near the northern extremity of the grounds, not far from the Fifty-seventh Street entrance. The [...]

By |2024-06-16T11:53:56-05:00June 16th, 2024|Categories: REPRINTS|Tags: , |0 Comments

164. Picturesque World’s Fair – The North Canal – Looking South

THE NORTH CANAL—LOOKING SOUTH —From a point near the west approach to the bridge connecting the Electricity and Manufactures Buildings a view was afforded southward down the South Canal, which had many interesting features. The always thronged bridge between the plaza in front of the Administration Building and the south front of the Manufactures cuts off, it is true, a portion of the view but adds in itself an interesting feature. The photograph from which the illustrations were made [...]

163. Picturesque World’s Fair – The German Porcelain Display

THE GERMAN PORCELAIN DISPLAY.—What proved one of the greatest attractions to art lovers who visited the German section in the Manufactures Building was the wonder-ful porcelain display. No collection of just the same character and quality had ever before been seen in the United States, nor, indeed, elsewhere, and a delighted throng was con-stantly examining this portion of Germany's fine exhibit. The illustration affords a good idea of the general style of arrangement, something devised by the most famous [...]

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