SECTIONS OF TIMBER AND GLADSTONE’S AX.—One of the great ” show pieces ” in the Forestry Building had a personal attraction in that the implement actually used in chopping by one of the most famous men in the world formed a portion of the exhibit. This was the ax, with its history properly attested, which had been used by Mr. Gladstone in cutting down a tree upon his eightieth birthday. In the center of the building stood a collection of huge sections of trees, remarkable for the fact that no two came from the same region of the earth, and showing a wonderful difference in fiber and dimensions. A huge disk of California redwood, with a placard explaining that when Columbus landed the tree from which the disk was cut was four hundred and seventy-five years old, stood near a cut of oak from Russia, and a section of white pine from Wisconsin rested beside a giant bamboo, seventy-five feet in height, which came from far Japan It was a curious and most instructive showing. Mr. Gladstone’s ax was in a glass case which was fastened to the side of the red-wood cut and numerous were the conjectures as to how long it would take the statesman to fell such a tree as that! A letter from Mr. Herbert Gladstone, son of the Premier, formed part of the documentary evidence of the implement’s authenticity, and a printed card gave a history of the manner in which the souvenir was obtained. The ax will be preserved as a memento by one of the great Lumber Trade Associations.
153. Picturesque World’s Fair – Sections of Timber and Gladstone’s Axe