FIRE-WORKS JULY 4th FROM THE ROOF OF THE MANUFACTURES BUILDING.–A view of just such quality as was never had before and may not be had again for a long time was gained by those of the World’s Fair visitors who witnessed a fire-works display from such vantage ground as the roof of the Manufactures Building afforded. Upon that great area in mid-air a host of people could be assembled and, on the warm summer nights, thousands improved the opportunity for a delightful experience. To the east stretched away the lake as a background for the brilliant display, sometimes, on moonlight nights, a background of blue, banded and flecked with yellow, and sometimes, on moonless occasions, but a dark, still expanse, the latter condition being, so far as fire-works went, the more favorable of the two. From the lake shore below would leap upward strange blazing things and then in front, sometimes almost on a level with the vast roof and sometimes higher, the fantastic figures would take shape, and in the air about would develop fiery flags and gigantic nosegays and heroic photographs and scores of similar conceits. There would arise a mighty cloud of smoke and it would hang in the air, if there were no wind, making still dimmer all that was below until there would be another ascent of fire-works and the explosion and a repetition of all the glories of the thing against a background still more dense. It was an experience well worth the seeking.