THE SPANISH CARAVELS, ” PINTA” AND ” NIÑA.”—The Spanish Caravels should have had their names painted on their sides to distinguish them apart; at least, so thought many of the visitors to the Fair; for their build was singularly alike with the ” Santa Maria ” and ” Pinta.” The ” Niña ” was distinguishable enough, as she had no raised deck at the bow, did not overhang like the others, and had no square sails of the ordinary type, only the long rakish-looking yards which hung slantwise of the masts with a sort of Lascar, piratical sweep to them, a look belied by her ponderous high-built stern. Between the ” Santa Maria ” and ” Pinta ” the main difference was that the former was decked over, had more decorations, and was not quite so squarely built. The ” Pinta ” absolutely sloped backward at the bow. The ” Niña,” it will be remembered, was commanded by Yanez Pinzon, while his brother, Alonzo Pinzon, commanded the ” Pinta.” The latter broke her rudder the third day out on the voyage, not as the result of pure accident, either, it was thought; but Columbus had it mended after a fashion and kept the vessel along. The whole number of men in the three vessels was but one hundred and twenty, but they were not the choicest of mariners, and among them were either cowardly or turbulent spirits enough to keep a commander occupied. Credit should, however, be given to the Pinzons for what they did. They defied superstition and, alone among Spanish ship owners, at the time manifested something of the daring spirit which is today that of the land for which they sailed.